Meaning of Kyoto (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Kyoto or Kyoto is a city located in southern Japan, internationally known for having hosted the “Kyoto Conference”, famous for the unprecedented adoption of the “Kyoto Protocol”, which limits the emissions of polluting gases into the atmosphere.

Kyoto was the “Imperial Capital of Japan” until the year 1868, when it was replaced by Tokyo. It is one of the most populous cities in Japan, known as “City of Samurai” and “Old Capital”.

The city of Kyoto has one of the largest centers of higher education in Japan, with around thirty-seven institutions, including Kyoto University, one of the best in the country.

Kyoto Protocol

The “Kyoto Protocol” is an international treaty signed in December 1997, during the Kyoto Conference, regarding climate change in the world.

During the Kyoto Conference, thirty-nine of the participating countries, mainly the developed ones in the north, signed a commitment to reduce the emission of polluting gases. The global target for reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions was set at 2.5% during the period 2008 to 2012, compared to 1990 levels, but the Kyoto Protocol only entered into force in February 2005.

Developing countries did not have to commit to specific goals, but as signatories of the Protocol, needed to keep the UN informed about their emission level, and look for ways to reduce the changes. climate.

Emissions trading was introduced in the protocol, that is, poor countries that develop projects (Emission Reduction Units or URES) for reducing their carbon emission quotas can transfer the balance to rich countries to offset excess emissions and not change their sector energy. Therefore, as of 2000, rich countries started to receive the CER (Certified Emission Reduction), due to the reductions made by poor countries.

The United States has never ratified the Kyoto Protocol. Along with Canada and Australia, they have an energy matrix dependent on fossil fuel burning and claim that the transition to a low-carbon economy could cause irremediable damage to the planet.

The European Union supports the inclusion of targets for countries to take action to control biodiversity loss, ocean and soil degradation, and gas emissions.

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