Latest Meanings (330)

Meaning of Amount

Upstream is a place above another, in relation to a river. Upstream is the place that is closest to the headwaters of a river, the source is the most upstream point of a river. The reference point...

Definition of Ojuobá

Ojuobá is a word from the Yoruba language and means "The King's Eyes" or "The Eyes of Xango". Ojuobá is part of the cult of the Orixá Xangô, as it represents an Oyê, that is, a title of honor granted...

Definition of The snake will smoke

The snake will smoke is a popular expression that means something difficult to do, and if it does, serious problems can arise. Ex: "If you leave with my car the snake will smoke". The expression "The snake...

Definition of is a domain category used on the internet to identify commercial activities. A domain name under can be registered by individuals or legal entities established in Brazil and who have...

meaning of .com

.com is a top-level domain, initially created to identify commercial entities on the internet. With the popularization of the internet, the is no longer exclusive for commerce, becoming...

meaning of rude

Rude is an adjective that qualifies one who has not been cultivated, who is uneducated, uneducated. Rude also characterizes the unpolished, the rough, or the surface uneven. In the sense...

Definition of DMA

DMA is an acronym related to the world of technology that means Direct Memory Access, or in Portuguese Direct Memory Access. DMA is a feature of most modern computers that allows...

meaning of illusion

Illusion is the deception of the senses or the mind, which causes a fact or sensation to be misinterpreted. Illusion is the exchange of real appearance for a false idea. It's also a daydream, a dream,...

meaning of irrelevant

Irrelevant is what has little or no importance, what is derisory, or has no relevance. Irrelevant is an adjective, formed by the Latin prefix "ir", which gives the negative meaning to...

Definition of IUPAC

IUPAC stands for "International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry", which in Portuguese is "International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry". IUPAC is an organization that was created with the aim of...

Meaning of Indispensable

Essential is everything that cannot be missed, that is vital, that cannot be dispensed with or refused. Indispensable is a word formed by the prefix "in", which means negation, which makes the opposite...

Definition of IPR

DPI is an acronym related to the world of technology, which means Dots Per Inch, in Portuguese Points per Inch, a concept also known by the acronym PPP. Represents the number of points that can be...

meaning of legacy

Legacy is a provision made in a will for the benefit of another person, is to leave something, of value or not, to someone else, and comes from the Latin, legatus. Legacy is also someone who goes to a...

meaning of hidden

Hidden means that which is secret, hidden, unseen. Hidden is an adjective of Latin origin, "occultu", which is everything that is covered, that is mysterious. In philosophy, the word...

Definition of Governance

Governance is derived from the term government, and can have different interpretations depending on the approach. According to the World Bank, “governance is the way in which power is exercised in the administration of...

Latest Meanings (339)

meaning of skankSkank is a term derived from the word Ska, which is a musical genre natural to Ja...

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Popular Meanings (340)

Digital EntrepreneurshipDigital entrepreneurship is the initiative to create an internet business...

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Popular Meanings (341)

Understand the difference between cisgender and transgenderCisgender (or simply cis) is the term ...

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