pre-sports games are adaptations of traditional and recreational sports in order to develop specific physical and social skills in participants.
Usually, pre-sports games are intended for individuals who want to start practicing sports. However, before departing for sport, pre-sports games serve as a training in the basic movements necessary for that sport.
Pre-sports games are also important to improve participants' social skills, encouraging teamwork, for example.
Unlike sports games, which have a specific set of rules, pre-sports games are more aimed at the recreational character, with the flexibility of goals, rules, durability, players, among others features.
Learn more about meaning of recreational games.
Examples of pre-sports games
As said, pre-sports games are variations of smaller games that help train the motor, tactical and physical skills of participants for a particular sport.
For example, to practice basketball pitches, participants can play the so-called “Basketball” where the basket it is on a lower level and easier to access, but it helps players to practice positioning and how to do the plays.
See also: meaning of competitive games and of the Cooperative Games, and examples of cooperative games.