Latest Meanings (172)

Definition of Shear

Shearing is the act of shearing, it means cutting or deforming a surface to from the tension caused by forces that act in equal or opposite directions, but following a same...

Meaning of Counterpart

Counterpart is the term used to refer to what is given in exchange for something, which opposes or corresponds to this thing. When something is offered in return, it means that it is being given in return or...

Definition of Plasma

Plasma is considered the fourth state of matter, according to physics. This is obtained from the overheating of gases, causing their molecules to break, producing ions and electrons...

meaning of altruistic

Altruist is an adjective that defines an individual who practices altruism, that is, who is dedicated to others. Altruism is also seen as synonymous with philanthropy and solidarity. The term altruism...

Definition of Alpha Male

Alpha male or alpha male is an expression of the branch of zoology, used to describe an element of a group of animals that has dominant characteristics, being the leader of that group. The expression can...

Meaning of Awareness

Awareness is the act of becoming aware, that is, informing someone or receiving information about a certain subject, for example. Awareness consists in the action of taking...

Meaning of Awareness

Awareness is a verb that refers to the act of becoming aware, that is, obtaining information, having knowledge about something or transmitting it to another person. Awareness is the process of...

meaning of me find

Mim acher is a slang that appeared on the internet and became very popular on social networks. It means "find me" and is often used to represent going out to a party or to show that a certain person...

meaning of bold

Bold is the quality of a person who is audacious, courageous and not afraid to take risks, whether physically or emotionally. Being bold is considered a compliment, as it conveys the idea that this...

meaning of fear

Fear is a feeling characterized by fear and insecurity in the face of an event considered negative. As a rule, fear is always accompanied by a certain level of fear. Fear and dread are...

meaning of wakefulness

Waking is the action of not sleeping through the night. Normally, this sleep deprivation consists of a voluntary act, practiced mainly on the eve of festive dates, especially of a religious nature,...

Definition of Manger

Manger is the name given to the place where animals usually (cows, oxen and horses, for example) eat in the stables, consisting of a kind of rectangular shape made of wood. However, the...

Definition of OTP

OTP stands for One True Pairing ("Um Par Verdadeiro", in Portuguese translation). This is slang used a lot in fandoms to refer to the characters that make up the perfect couple from the point of...

Meaning of Precursor

Precursor is an adjective that qualifies something that announces itself, that is about to happen or that occurs before the appearance of a certain thing, such as a sign or warning, for example. By stating that a person...

Definition of Cabulous

Cabulous is the word used to describe something or someone that causes fear, it also classifies that individual who is considered annoying, annoyed. When used informally, the meaning of...

Latest Meanings (334)

meaning of SQLSQL stands for "Structured Query Language" which means, in Portuguese, Query Langua...

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Popular Meanings (337)

big dataBig data is a set of tools capable of receiving a large volume and variety of data. Becau...

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Popular Meanings (338)

JudaismJudaism, the religion of the Jews, is one of the oldest monotheistic religions. Jews belie...

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