Meaning of Anthology (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Anthology is the set formed by several works (literary, musical or cinematographic, for example) that explore the same theme, period or authorship.

In literature, as a rule, anthologies are formed by different texts (proses or verses) that are organized within of a single volume, forming a collection (collection) of works that cover a theme, historical period or author specific.

For example, a poetic anthology it consists of bringing together several different poems in a single book, which are usually selected individually by the author.

However, as previously explained, a poetic anthology can still present the combination of poems and poems by different authors, as long as they address a common theme, for example.

Learn more about meaning of poem it's the meaning of poetry.

The first recorded anthology is by the Greek poet Meléagro. However, until the mid-eighteenth century the word "antology" was not used to refer to collections of literary texts, but rather terms such as "florilege", "novelist", "brambles" or "flowers".

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In the field of botany, an anthology is the collection of several individually selected flowers, which are carefully analyzed. In other words, the anthology can be interpreted as the "study of flowers".

In fact, etymologically, the word anthology originated from the Greek anthologies, which means "flower collection".

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