Meaning of Misconception (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Misunderstanding is a masculine noun that means error, mistake, lapse and misunderstanding.

Example: "The employee's appointment was a mistake. This means that the indication was a mistake, a mistake, a mistake".

The word "mistake" is also an adjective, when used to reference the which is doubtful, confusing, ambiguous, that is, what lends itself to more than one interpretation.

Example: "He wrote a text full of mistakes".

Without the acute accent, the word “equivocal” is the present tense of the verb equivocate, which means to induce an error, a slip.

Example: "I am wrong when I say he is sincere".

In the context of Logic, misconception is a word that has more than one meaning. It is a verbal sophistry that consists in giving different meanings to a word within the same reasoning.

Example: "Four-two is six. Therefore, four are six and two are six".

Learn more about the meaning of sophism.

Synonyms of misunderstanding

  • incorrectness;
  • mistake;
  • mistake;
  • dubious;
  • doubtful;
  • ambiguous;
  • misleading;
  • error;
  • misunderstanding;
  • pun.
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