Meaning of Dislike (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Dislike is a feeling of disgust and instinctual disgust in front of someone or something; feeling of disagreement and disharmony between two individuals.

Etymologically, the word "antipathy" originates from the Greek antipatheia, formed by the joining of the terms anti (against) and patheia (affection), that is, it is a noun that names the opposite of affection; one against affection.

Psychologists classify dislike at various levels, from the most superficial to the one of total revulsion, causing feelings of discomfort and anger in the individual.

Studies also reinforce the idea that antipathy can be built at first sight, from a first contact, a concept that is popularly known as "my saint didn't match his". According to the researchers, the instant dislike it is created in a person's consciousness based on negative past experiences that are "stuck" in the subconscious. New situations or people can end up referring to "negative memories", causing both to be associated, awakening the feeling of disgust in the individual as a defense mechanism.

Scientists still say that the greater the frustration in the past, the greater the disagreement and revulsion felt. The ideal is always to give a second chance to relationships that generate instant dislike.

unsympathetic it is the name given to the one who provokes the dislike, normally considered a negative figure or of a pejorative character.

Dislike is the opposite of sympathy - feeling of affection that makes two or more people stay together.

apathy and empathy

Apathy is the total absence of feelings about something or something, whether negative or positive; emotional state of indifference.

Find out more about the meaning of apathy.

Empathy, on the other hand, is the opposite of apathy, as it represents a psychological capacity to feel the feelings of others; putting yourself in the position or condition of another individual; have compassion and solidarity.

Learn more about empathy.

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