Popular Meanings (57)

Definition of Pollution

Pollution is any alteration caused to the environment, which can be a natural or agrarian ecosystem, an urban system or even on a microscale. The pollution that causes changes in the environment...

meaning of romance

Novel is a literary work that presents a prose narrative, usually long, with created facts or related to characters, who experience different conflicts or dramatic situations, in a sequence in...

Definition of Anathema

Anathema means excommunication, execration, curse, energetic reproach. From the Greek “Anáthema” (thing put aside), formed from the preposition “aná” (to one side) plus “tithemí” (to put)...

Definition of Morphology

Morphology is the treatise on the forms that matter can take. From the Greek “morphe” (morph = form) and (logos = study). Plant morphology is the part of Botany that studies the shapes and structures of...

Definition of Ganesha

Ganesha is the god of intellect, wisdom and fortune for the religious tradition of Hinduism and Vedic. According to Hindu mythology, Ganesha is the first child of Shiva and Parvati, and considered a...

meaning of the christmas tree

The Christmas tree is one of the most popular symbols for Christmas celebrations. Usually, the Christmas tree can be a pine tree or even an artificial one (made of plastic and in several different colors)...

Definition of mass culture

Mass culture are all kinds of cultural expressions produced in the Cultural Industry, with the aim of reaching as many people as possible. Its focus is essentially commercial, that is,...

Definition of Biology

Biology is the study of life. It is about knowledge about ourselves and about the world of which we are part and in which we operate. It is a word formed by the Greek terms “bios” (life) and “logos”...

meaning of figurative language

The figurative language or figurative sense is a tool or modality of communication, which uses figures of speech to express a non-literal sense of a given utterance. THE...

meaning of ostentation

Ostentation is the act or effect of flaunting, that is, “presenting” or “showing” in an exhibitionist sense, being linked to pride, presumption or simply vanity. It's someone's act...

Definition of Axiom

Axioms are universally valid unquestionable truths, often used as principles in theory building or as a basis for argumentation. The word axiom derives from the Greek...

Definition of Pentagram

Pentagram is a symbol formed by five letters or signs, originating a figure similar to a five-pointed star, which is attributed to magical and mystical interpretations. The pentagram has several...

meaning of whatsapp

Whatsapp is a software for smartphones used to exchange text messages instantly, as well as videos, photos and audio through an internet connection. Whatsapp was officially launched...

Definition of Empowerment

Empowerment is a Business Administration concept that means "decentralization of powers", that is, it suggests a greater participation of workers in the company's activities when they are given...

meaning of diaspora

Diaspora is a feminine noun originating from the Greek term "diaspora", which means dispersion of peoples, for political or religious reasons. This concept first appeared thanks to dispersion...

Latest Meanings (322)

meaning of zeusZeus was the god of gods, sovereign of Mount Olympus, god of the sky and thunder, ...

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Latest Meanings (319)

meaning of buddyBuddy is English slang meaning "friend" or "companion". When used among the milit...

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Latest Meanings (321)

Definition of XimbicaXimbica is a term widely used in several Brazilian states, and its meaning v...

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