Latest Meanings (334)

meaning of SQL

SQL stands for "Structured Query Language" which means, in Portuguese, Query Language Structured, a standard data management language that interacts with major databases in...

meaning of shaman

Shaman (shaman in English) is a traditional priest of shamanism who has contact with the spirit world, showing particular ability to prophecy or cure. Wizard, sorcerer, healer, witch,...

Definition of WLAN

WLAN is the English acronym for Wireless Local Area Network, which in Portuguese means "Local Wireless Network". It is a local network that uses radio waves to transmit data and to connect to the Internet, without...

Definition of Mother Owl

Owl mother means the true love of a mother, who does not see any imperfection in her children. Designates a very zealous mother, concerned about her children and who protects them in all situations. THE...

meaning of skol

Skol is a word derived from the languages ​​spoken in Scandinavia and used by the Norse to make a toast. Corresponds to the Portuguese "Saúde!". In Swedish it is written “skål” and in Danish it is...

Meaning of MSN

MSN is an online services portal of the Microsoft company, launched in 1995, together with the Windows 95 Operating System. MSN stands for "Microsoft Service Network", which stands for "Network of...

meaning of bye

Bye is a farewell interjection and means “goodbye” or “see you later”. The gesture made with the hand as a sign of farewell is also called "bye". The term comes from the language...

Definition of FPAS

The acronym FPAS stands for Social Security and Assistance Fund. It is a code that identifies the economic activity that the company or individual worker carries out. It is through the FPAS indicated in...

meaning of MP

The acronym MP stands for Public Ministry, an institution charged with defending the interests of Brazilian society as a whole, with an obligation to be non-partisan, impartial and professional in...

meaning of umami

Umami (a word of Japanese origin meaning "delicious and appetizing") is the name of the fifth basic flavor discovered by Japanese researcher Kikunae Ikeda in the year 1908. Umami complements the others...

Definition of OAB

The acronym OAB stands for the Brazilian Bar Association. The Bar Association is the highest body that defines the rules for the professional practice of law in Brazil and its purpose, according to the...

Meaning of Score

Score is an English noun meaning score. In a game, the score defines the total points obtained by each player or team. In English computer games, the word score appears...

Definition of KFC

KFC is the English acronym for Kentucky Fried Chicken, which means in Portuguese "Frango Frito do Kentucky". KFC is a fast food restaurant chain founded in 1930 in the city of Corbin,...

Definition of FSC

FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council, an English expression that, in Portuguese, means "Forest Stewardship Council". FSC is an independent, non-profit organization founded in 1993,...

Definition of Oosphere

Oosphere is a female sex cell that makes up the plant egg. To originate the plant embryo, there is a fusion of the oosphere with one of the pollen grain generator nuclei during fertilization. You...

Latest Meanings (293)

Definition of LuauLuau is a typical festival of Hawaii, an American archipelago located in the Pa...

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Popular Meanings (293)

meaning of primePrimor is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language, referring to what has supe...

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Popular Meanings (294)

Definition of Net ModernityIt is the term coined by the Polish philosopher Zygmunt Bauman to defi...

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