Latest Meanings (302)

Meaning of Gradually

Gradually means step by step, slowly, gradually. It is an adjective that refers to what happens little by little. The word gradually is used to specify what is gradual, the...

meaning of LCD

LCD is the acronym for "Liquid Crystal Display" which in Portuguese means "liquid crystal screen". The LCD is a thin panel used to display images, videos and texts on various supports such as a monitor...

meaning of agent

An agent is one who acts, who operates or acts, who practices the action. The word agent has different definitions depending on the approach in which it is used. E.g.: A chemical agent is the body that causes a...

Definition of Task Force

Task force is an English expression that means, in Portuguese, task force. Task means task, labor, work, and force means strength, effort, energy. It is a term used in Brazil by many...

meaning of latent

Latent means hidden, understood. The word latent is an adjective of two genders that qualifies what is hidden, what is not apparent. In the figurative sense, latent is what is...

meaning of omniscient

Omniscient means one who knows everything. It is an adjective of two genders, which qualifies that person whose knowledge is unlimited, who dominates any science. The omniscient word is formed from the prefix of...

meaning of dynasty

Dynasty is the period of succession, in which kings and queens, belonging to the same family, remain in power. The word dynasty comes from the Greek term dynasteia, which means power, lordship and command...

Definition of national identity

National identity is a concept that indicates the social condition and the feeling of belonging to a certain culture. The concept of national identity only began to gain strength in the 19th century, when...

Meaning of Cogent

Cogente means what is rationally necessary, it is an adjective that qualifies what must be necessarily observed. In the legal area, cogente refers to the rules that must be...

meaning of jingle

Jingle is an English term whose meaning refers to music composed to promote a brand or a product in radio or television advertisements. The advertising jingle is created to captivate the public...

Definition of Infectious Agent

An infectious agent is an infection-causing organism. It is also called a pathogen (from the Greek pathos, “disease” and genos, origin”). The infectious agent is present in our environments,...

meaning of ogre

Ogre (or ogre) is a legendary monster of folk tales that, according to legend, has the particularity of devouring human beings. The meaning of ogre can be associated with the bogeyman, the scary...

Definition of Efficient

Efficient is what produces good results, which is effective, which is efficient. In English, the word skills is used to designate the ability to achieve a certain goal quickly and...

Origin meaning

Origin is the starting point, the beginning of any event that has occurred. Everything in nature has its origin, its beginning. As an example, we highlight the origin of a new life, which has its beginning in the zygote -...

Meaning of SMS

SMS is the acronym for Short Message Service, which in Portuguese means Short Message Service. SMS is a widely used service for sending short text messages via cell phones...

Latest Meanings (112)

Meaning of the Law of Supply and DemandThe law of supply and demand is one of the bases of the ma...

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Latest Meanings (109)

meaning of learningLearning is a phenomenon or a method related to the act or effect of learning....

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Popular Meanings (112)

Definition of Philosophy of LifePhilosophy of life is the expression used to describe a set of id...

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