Latest Meanings (117)

Meaning of Postmodernity

Post-modernity is a concept that represents the entire socio-cultural structure from the late 1980s to the present day. In short, postmodernity is the environment in which postmodern society...

Meaning of Tribute

Tribute is a masculine noun meaning tax, fee or contribution. In some contexts it can also mean the act of paying homage or worship to someone. Originating from the Latin term...

Definition of Tax Credit

Tax credit is the amount that a taxpayer owes the State as payment of a tax or monetary penalty. It is the obligation of a payment on the part of the taxpayer or debtor. A credit...

Definition of Flag of Japan

The flag of Japan is officially called Nisshōki, but it is popularly known as Hinomaru, which means "circle of sun". It's a simple flag compared to other countries: a white rectangle...

Definition of Anthropophagy

Anthropophagy is the action of eating human flesh, which among humans is also known as cannibalism. Anthropophagy was practiced in esoteric rituals as a way for those who eat to incorporate the qualities of...

Definition of self-employed worker

The independent worker is a natural person, who provides services to several companies - called service takers - and does not have an employment relationship. The nature of your service is occasional and the...

Definition of GDAE

GDAE is the acronym for Dynamic Management of School Administration, an agency of the Department of Education of the State of São Paulo. Created in 2002, the platform allows access to data on graduating students. The organ...

Definition of Tax Haven

Tax haven consists of a certain region (country or territory) with attractive tax conditions for foreign investors, mainly due to low taxes and total banking secrecy...

Definition of Offshore

Offshore is an English term that means “away from the coast”, in Portuguese translation. In financial terms, an offshore company is called a company that has its accounts in a...

meaning of the easter egg

The Easter Egg is an Easter symbol, characterized by being made of chocolate and usually filled with surprises. Currently, it is customary to present friends and family (especially children) with...

Definition of PhD

PhD is the acronym for Philosophiæ Doctor or Doctor of Philosophy, the last and highest academic title received by an individual. This is always given by a higher education institution, as a...

meaning of geek

Geek is English slang meaning someone addicted to technology, computers and the internet. The concept of geek is something similar to the concept of nerd: one who has a deep...

Definition of NAFTA

NAFTA is the English acronym for North American Free Trade Agreement (North American Free Trade Agreement), an economic bloc formed by the United States of America, Canada and Mexico. Main...

Definition of light reflection

Light reflection happens when a beam of light strikes a surface and returns to the source medium. It is thanks to the reflection of light that we are able to see objects, because light, by being...

Definition of subjective law

Subjective right refers to the rights that are effectively guaranteed to the individual by law. It is the concrete form of a right that has been determined by law and can be enjoyed by a person. So the...

Latest Meanings (259)

meaning of puzzleEnigma is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language and means something or som...

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Popular Meanings (261)

Meaning of the Flower and Fruit Wedding (4 years of marriage)Flower and Fruit Wedding is the name...

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Latest Meanings (263)

Definition of HygieneHygiene consists of a set of rules and techniques related to health preserva...

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