Latest Meanings (328)

meaning of Akatsuki

Akatsuki means dawn, dawn, in Japanese. And a criminal organization of the manga and anime cartoons Naruto. Akatsuki is formed by ninjas, who are trapped in their villages and only come out to commit...

meaning of aka

Aka or a.k.a. is the abbreviation for “ Also Known As ”, an expression in English that means “also known as”, is used to give a better known meaning or name to a word or person...

Definition of Allowance

Allowance is an amount that the employer pays the employee, specifically to reimburse the expenses generated by the employee moving from his/her usual place of work, that is, when he/she is transferred...

Definition of Help

Help means help, help. It is the act of giving help to those in need. In the field of computing, help is the name given to the specific program that contains all the information that the...

Definition of Aishiteru

Aishiteru is a Japanese term whose meaning can be understood as "I love you". Aishiteru is the verb to love. Other expressions with the meaning of "I love you" are: " aishiteru imasu ", watashi...

meaning of aham

Aham is an expression used to affirm or confirm a fact. It may have the meaning of “yes”, “I understand” and other corresponding terms, as well as may mean “no” in some cases...

Definition of Mainstream

Mainstream is a concept that expresses a main and dominant trend or fashion. The literal translation of mainstream is "mainstream" or "mainstream". In English, main means main...

Definition of Pteridophytes

Pteridophytes are vascular plants, devoid of flowers, seeds and fruits, among them are ferns, ferns and ferns. There are also the lesser known ones, such as the horsetails, the Psilotim, the...

Definition of Mineral Water

Mineral water is water that originates from natural or artificial sources and has components added chemicals, such as salts, sulfur compounds and gases that are already dissolved in water, therefore they are...

Definition of Agape

Agape means love, it is a word of Greek origin. Agape can be self-giving love, unconditional love, self-giving love. The expression agape was used in several different ways among...

Meaning of Affection

Affectivity is a term that derives from the word affective and affection. Designates the quality that encompasses all affective phenomena. In the realm of psychology, affectivity is the individual ability to experience the...

Definition of EBITDA

EBITDA stands for “Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization”, which means “Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization”, in Portuguese. The EBITDA is a...

Definition of Curica

Curica is a feminine noun in the field of ornithology that designates a small bird of the parrot family, and that inhabits several places in South America. This little bird can reach 23...

Meaning of Gauging

To measure means to measure, check, verify measurements or weights based on an official standardization. It is synonymous with calibrating or tuning. To measure is to determine the graduation of a measuring instrument. Per...

meaning of parallax

Parallax is an apparent displacement of an observed object, which is caused by a change in the observer's position. To better understand what parallax is, do the following: point...

Popular Meanings (79)

Color TheoryColor Theory are the studies and experiments related to the association between light...

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Popular Meanings (78)

Definition of ChromotherapyChromotherapy is a type of treatment that consists of using colors to ...

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Latest Meanings (79)

Definition of economic crisisAn economic crisis is characterized by a period of reduction in the ...

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