Meaning of Hide (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Hide is a verb that defines the act of to hide or cover-up something, something or someone.

The action of hiding something is intended not to let anyone see a certain thing, to hide a situation; do not leave visible or exposed. Example: "she hid all her posts on Facebook" or "he hid behind the car".

Hiding is also related to the desire for privacy, meaning not showing something personal or that other people shouldn't know or see. Example: "the boy hid the number on his cell phone", "I received a call with the hidden number" or "he hid the photo on Facebook where he appeared with his girlfriend".

Another definition given to the term hiding is in the act of disguising, that is, not mentioning or revealing something or something; omit information. Example: "the couple hid their parents' relationship".

Grammatically, the verb hide can have a double participle: hidden or hidden.

The occult can also refer to what is mysterious, grim, or unknown.

In English, the word "hide" can be translated to hide, in the sense of "hiding something".

Synonyms of hide

  • to cover
  • disguise
  • conceal
  • cover-up
  • to hide
  • guard
  • coat
  • withhold
  • to omit

See also the meaning of occultism.

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