Ximbica is a term widely used in several Brazilian states, and its meaning varies from place to place. In some states, ximbica is an alcoholic beverage, in others it is an old car, in others it is a game...
XML stands for Extensible Markup Language, which in Portuguese means Extensible Markup Language. It is a recommendation to generate markup languages for special needs...
Xodó means the same as dating. It's having a hug for someone. Xodó is a loving expression to call a person you like. "Having a sweetheart" is the same as having a love affair, a...
Shogun (shogun) means "Commander of the Army". It was the title that military leaders received between the 12th and 19th centuries in Japan. It was also the title given to landowners during the...
Shogun (in Portuguese shogun), word of Japanese origin that means Commander of the Army. Shogun was the title the Japanese gave to landowners during the feudal period, in the 12th century...
Xonado is a word popularly used as an abbreviation for “in love”. The term does not exist in dictionaries. It's a word used informally to refer to the burning passion felt between...
XPTO is the abbreviation for Christus, which comes from the Greek and means Anointed, Messiah. XPTO is also used to designate anything that is very good, magnificent, a great achievement. The XPTO expression...
XXL is the acronym for "Extra Extra Large", a measure of clothing size used by some countries whose meaning corresponds in Portuguese to the GGG size. Below are other sizes with the same...
Yakisoba literally means “noodles fried in sauce”. It is a very popular dish in Japanese cuisine, made from sauteed noodles with vegetables and meat, seasoned with a specific sauce...
Yield is an English term that means income, profit. It is the return on a stock investment, expressed annually as a percentage based on the cost of the investment. Yield can also be the...
YMCA stands for Young Men's Christian Association, which is a worldwide organization of more than 45 million members from 125 member federations. The YMCA was founded in 1844 in England, by...
Yuppies is an English expression that means "Young Urban Professional", that is, Young Urban Professional. It is a term used to refer to young professionals between 20 and 40 years old,...
Zé povinho is a popular expression that means simple people, individual of the people. It is used to identify a socially disqualified person. Zé, it's a popular way of expressing the man of the people...
Zeitgeist means epochal spirit, weather spirit or sign of the times. It's a German word. Zeitgeist is the set of the intellectual and cultural climate of the world, at a certain time, or the...
Caring means caring, having dedication for something or for a person. It's having a special commitment in the execution of some task. Taking care of something or someone is the same as watching, treating with care, with affection or...