Latest Meanings (2)

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Ozone layer

Ozone layer or ozonesphere is a layer formed by the ozone gas (O3) around planet Earth. This layer is located in the stratosphere and protects living beings from the ultraviolet rays emitted by...

Public place

Public place means what can be achieved, enjoyed or enjoyed by someone. In general terms, a street is a street; a public or private space address. In Urbanism, a street is a...

Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize is a set of awards given to individuals or institutions that have significantly contributed in the academic, cultural or scientific field. The Nobel Prize is administered...

meaning of falling from the horse

Falling off a horse is a popular expression that means failing in an activity when you were sure of good results. The expression falling off a horse can be used as a synonym for getting frustrated,...

Environmental impacts

Environmental impact is a change in the environment caused by human activity. Depending on the type of activity, the impact can be positive (beneficial) or negative (adverse). If a logging company deforests...

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Definition of Winter Solstice

Winter solstice is an astronomical phenomenon that marks the beginning of winter. With reference to the Southern Hemisphere, the winter solstice is the time when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted...


Anarchocommunism, also known as libertarian communism, is a branch of anarchism that adopts communist principles to build the idea of ​​an ideal society. For anarcho-communists, the...

Santa Claus

Santa Claus is the name of the figure representing the legend about a man known as "the good old man" dressed in red clothes and long white beard. He shows up on Christmas Eve night with a bag...

Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox is the astronomical phenomenon that marks the transition between late summer and early autumn. The Autumn Equinox (also known as "The Libra Point") is always in opposition to...


Flagrant refers to what is seen, recorded or observed at the time it is taking place, in a surprised and incontestable way, due to the presence of witnesses. The flagrant is configured when...

What is the Scapula in the Human Body

The shoulder blade, scapula or shoulder is a triangle-shaped bone located at the top of the shoulder. chest, or shoulder, which together with the collarbone forms the shoulder girdle, allowing the union of each...

Definition of Eviction from Law

Eviction consists of the total or partial loss of ownership or ownership of a property that a person has acquired in favor of a third party, through a court order filed by other parties. A good example of...

UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship)

UFC stands for Ultimate Fighting Championship, an American mixed martial arts organization, also known as MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). The fights in this championship involve a mixture of...

What is Policy?

Politics is the activity of governance, state and power relations and also an art of negotiation to reconcile interests. The concept of politics comes from the Greek politikós, a...

Narrative text

The narrative text is the one in which a story is told, be it real or fictional. Its basic elements are space, time and character. Another important feature of the narrative is the presence of...

Portuguese language (22)

meaning of your lordshipYour landlord is a formal treatment pronoun used in Portuguese to refer t...

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Portuguese Language (24)

meaning of protestProtest is a form of democratic demonstration, public or reserved, which demons...

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Popular Meanings (21)

meaning of grammar classGrammatical class or word class is the name given to the set that classif...

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