Popular Meanings (318)

Definition of Lampião

Lampião is a type of lantern that uses fuel to soak a wick that is lit with fire, and the flame produced serves as illumination. Popularly, however, Lampião is known as the nickname of a...

Definition of Nolan's Diagram

The Nolan diagram is a graphical model created by American political scientist David Nolan in 1969. The scheme is meant to be used as a test to help identify the prevailing political view...

Meaning of 21 sentences in Latin

1. Carpe diem Translation: Seize the day. This sentence, written by the Roman poet Horace (65-8 BC. C.), conveys the message that the present, the today, should be taken advantage of, regardless of what will come tomorrow. THE...

meaning of unintentionally

Unintentionally is an expression in the Portuguese language used to emphasize that a certain act was done accidentally, that is, without will, interest and prior planning. When we analyze the...

meaning of smooth

Smooth means “smooth” in the literal translation of the English language, but it can also be translated as “soft”, “easy”, “calm” or “smooth”. As an adjective, “smooth” can still...

Definition of Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that allows part of the solar energy that reaches the Earth to remain in the atmosphere, maintaining the appropriate global temperature for life on the planet. The global warming...

Definition of WPS

WPS is an acronym in English that stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup. It is a security standard for wireless networks that makes it easy to connect devices to the Wi-Fi network. The advantage of WPS is its practicality, because...

Meaning of the Law and Order Guarantee (GLO)

Guarantee of Law and Order (GLO) is an interim measure that gives the army the power to police, especially when there is a depletion of public security forces in situations of crisis, for...

Definition of Boa

Boa constrictor is a medium or large snake, with the scientific name of Boa constrictor. at 4 meters in length and usually inhabits trees in humid forests, savannas and fields gives...

Definition of Illustration

An illustration is an image that conveys a message, which is intended to inform, explain or assist in understanding something. Illustrations can accompany texts or can be images that, by themselves, fulfill...

Definition of Patriarchy

Patriarchy comes from the combination of the Greek words pater, meaning father, and arkhe, meaning origin or command. The word "patriarchy" literally translates as the authority of the man represented...

Opinion article

An opinion piece is an opinion piece. In this type of article, the author presents his point of view and his opinion on a subject, that is, the text reflects the personal impressions of the writer. O...

Definition of Fixism

It is the non-religious theory that species alive today are identical to those in the past. Fixism believes that evolution doesn't happen and that species left already adapted to the environment, without...

Definition of In dubio pro reo

In dubio pro reo is a Latin expression that means “in doubt, in favor of the defendant”. It is a legal principle and is based on the presumption of innocence, according to which no one is guilty until...

Definition of Public servant

A public servant is an employee of the public administration, who has an employment relationship with agencies that are part of the State. Holds a public office and provides services directly to the State...

Latest Meanings (179)

meaning of betrayalBetrayal is a feminine noun that refers to the act of betraying and means a la...

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Popular Meanings (183)

Origin meaningOrigin is the starting point, the beginning of any event that has occurred. Everyth...

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Popular Meanings (182)

meaning of profitProfit is what is earned from something or someone; the yield; a privilege or ad...

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