Latest Meanings (277)

Meaning of Forecast

Forecast is an expression in the English language that, depending on the context it is used, can have several meanings. It is a feminine noun of two genders and also a verb: 1 – prediction, prophecy...

Meaning of Change

Change is the act or effect of changing, of disposing in another way. It is a feminine noun that, depending on the context used, can have different meanings: To put elsewhere, remove, displace; To give...

meaning of homesickness

Longing is a feeling caused by the distance or absence of something or someone. It has its origins in Latin, with the meaning of solitude. It is a word that has no literal translation in many languages. Longing...

Definition of Tutor

Tutor is that individual who has been legally responsible for tutoring someone, with the responsibility of supporting, protecting and defending their person and property. Tutor is the one who is given the charge or authority of...

Definition of Cholera

Anger is a strong irritation, an anger, a violent impulse that incites us against that or that which offends or unworthys us. It is a behavior of ferocity, of irritation. E.g.: He can't...

meaning of OEM

OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer, or “Original Equipment Manufacturer”, in Portuguese. OEM are products made especially for large companies, they are not intended for...

Definition of Backoffice

Back office, also called back office, are departments of a company that do not provide services. directly to a customer, usually the operational or managerial part and in the administrative area, are you...

Definition of Otolaryngologist

Otorhinolaryngologist is a doctor specializing in otolaryngology, part of medicine whose object is the study and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat. This specialist is often...

meaning of purple tulip

Purple tulip is an ornamental flower of the liliaceae genus, with a solitary flower, formed by six petals, a straight stem that can reach 30 to 60 cm in height and elongated leaves. The purple tulip...

meaning of will

Will means desire, aspiration, taste, interest, purpose. It is the power to mentally represent an act carried out for reasons dictated by reason. It is the ability to want, to freely practice or...

meaning of civilization

Civilization is the set of characters characteristic of the social, political, economic and cultural life of a country or region. It is the act or effect of civilizing (becoming), that is, of becoming civil, courteous,...

Definition of Samaritan

Samaritan is a word referring to the natural people or individual of the ancient region of Samaria and also to the language spoken in that region. Samaria is the name of a province referred to several times...

Definition of Utopia

Utopia is the idea of ​​an ideal, fantastic, and imaginary civilization. It is a system or plan that seems unrealizable, it is a fantasy, a daydream, an illusion, a dream. From the Greek “ou+topos” which means...

Meaning of Customize

Customizing is modifying, adapting or customizing something to suit your taste or needs. The expression “customize” comes from the English word “custom”, an adjective that...

Definition of Ombudsman

Ombudsman is a space that works as a bridge between the population and institutions. It is a service open to the citizen to listen to claims, complaints, suggestions and also praise...

Popular Meanings (23)

meaning of stoicismStoicism is a philosophical school and doctrine that emerged in Ancient Greece...

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Popular Meanings (22)

meaning of languageLanguage is the system through which man communicates his ideas and feelings, ...

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Popular Meanings (24)

Definition of NationalityNationality is the condition of a citizen who belongs to a particular na...

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