Meaning of Rhythm (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Rhythm is a masculine noun of Greek origin rhythms and which designates the regular succession of strong and weak beats in a musical phrase. Indicates the value of notes, according to intensity and tempo.

It can be synonymous with cadence (cadenced sounds) at periodic time intervals.

Rhythm is linked to music, but also to other forms of art, such as poetry, for example. In the latter case, rhythm controls the distribution of long and short syllables and the repetition of strong and weak beats of a verse.

The word rhythm can also be used to describe the speed of something. Ex: In the last five minutes, the athlete increased her pace and surpassed all her opponents.

Some people have doubts about the spelling of this word. They don't know if the correct form is rhythm, rhythm or rhythm. Despite being pronounced "rhythm", the correct form is rhythm, no accent.

Musical rhythm

In the musical realm, the rhythm is - along with the harmony and melody - one of the essential components of a song.

Unlike other arts, such as plastic arts, music occurs within a temporal parameter and rhythm controls the succession of sounds within time.

sinus rhythm

Sinus rhythm is an expression that refers to the "normal" rhythm of the heart, that is, the succession and frequency of cardiac contractions.

It has this name thanks to the sinus node, a structure that works as the heart's natural pacemaker.

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