Meaning of Cornerstone (What it is, Concept and Definition)

The cornerstone was the foundation stone used in ancient constructions, characterized by being the first to be seated on the corner of the building, forming a right angle between two walls.

From the cornerstone, the placements of the other stones were defined, lining up the entire construction.

The cornerstone is the essential element that gives existence to what is called the foundation of construction. Today, the cornerstone would be similar to the foundation of contemporary buildings.

cornerstone in the bible

In Christianity, the Cornerstone is symbolically represented by Jesus Christ, The son of God. In several passages of the Holy Bible there are references to the cornerstone.

In the Book of Psalms, chapter 118, verse 22, there is a metaphor about the builders (the nation Jews) reject the most important element in the construction of the spiritual temple: Jesus Christ the Messiah.

"The stone that the builders rejected was set as the cornerstone"(Psalm 118:22).

The Cornerstone chosen by God to build the Church, according to the divine plan, would have been Jesus Christ.

Therefore, a cornerstone in the construction of a building is the solid foundation that it needs to reach the programmed height without falling. For a Christian, Jesus Christ is this fundamental basis on which the entire construction of the Church is based, formed by all those who believe in the Word of God.

See also the meaning of philosophical stone.

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