Definition of Onomatopoeia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Onomatopeia is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language, belonging to the group of "word figures" and that indicates the reproduction of natural sounds or noises.

THE onomatopoeia it is the process of forming words or phonemes with the aim of trying to imitate the noise of a sound when they are pronounced.

Usually, onomatopoeias are associated with onomatopoiesis, action of creating new words, also known as neologisms.

This figure of speech is widely used in comic books or cartoons.

Onomatopoeia, as well as other figures of language, help to create a more effective way of using language as a social phenomenon, helping us to glimpse the symbolism of some conversations and written works, as with you comics, for example.

Onomatopoeias can vary according to the spoken language, because of the different types of phonemes that words have. In the English language, for example, onomatopoeias like "there" (ache), "catchy" (sneeze) and "bi-bi" (horn), are represented by "ouch", "choo" and "beep-beep", respectively.

Examples of Onomatopoeia

  • thrrrrrrrrrr = phone ringing
  • smack = kiss sound
  • pow = hit, punch, hit
  • TIC Tac = clock working
  • boom! = explosion
  • sniff sniff = crying
  • bang, bang = shot
  • wow = bark
  • meow = cat meowing
  • grrr = roar of anger

See also:

  • Figures of Language

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