Latest Meanings (274)

Definition of PSI

PSI has several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. The phoneme “psi” corresponds to the twenty-third letter of the Greek alphabet: Ψ The same Greek letter “psi”, represented by...

Definition of Doubt

Doubt is the feminine noun that indicates a state of uncertainty about reality or hesitation between two things. In some cases, doubt can be synonymous with suspicion and skepticism. When a...

Definition of TPM

PMS is the abbreviation for Premenstrual Tension, whose meaning refers to the set of physical and psychological symptoms manifested in women in the days prior to menstruation. The causes of PMS are...

Definition of Frustration

Frustration is a feeling, an emotion that occurs when something that was expected did not happen. It is a feminine noun that names the act or effect of being frustrated, of not having your desire fulfilled. Of...

Meaning of Assumption

Assumption is the feminine noun that indicates the attitude of assuming something. When a crime occurs, if the person assumes guilt, that is, when he admits that he is responsible for the unlawful act,...

meaning of jellyfish

Medusa was a terrifying creature with petrifying eyes and serpent hair, which is part of Greek mythology. Legend has it that Medusa, daughter of Forces and Ceto (marine deities), was a...

meaning of zodiac

The zodiac, according to astronomy - the natural science that studies the stars and celestial bodies - is a zone of the celestial sphere, which extends at 8.5º from one part of the ecliptic to the other, and in which they move O...

meaning of selfish

Selfish is an adjective of two genders that qualifies that individual who deals only with his interests, who can only think about himself, his desires and needs. The selfish is that individual...

meaning of groove

Groove is an English word meaning groove or groove. It's often used in the context of music, indicating when sounds fit or match satisfactorily. In the specific case of the battery, the...

Definition of Smart

Smart is an adjective in English that means smart or smart in Portuguese. It is also a term that is related to advanced technologies, more specifically in terms such as smartphone and smart TV...

meaning of unison

Unissono is an adjective that refers to a set of sounds that have the same pitch or frequency. It is what has harmony, which is unisonous, uniform. Unison is what has the same sound...

Definition of Electricity

Electricity is the branch of physics that has as its object of study the phenomena related to electrostatics, electrokinetics and electromagnetism. According to the law of energy conservation, it is one of the ways that...

meaning of psyche

Psyche is the Greek word psykhé that is used to describe the soul or spirit. It's also a word related to psychology, and it started to be used with the connotation of mind or ego...

Definition of Aerosol

Aerosol is the designation given to small particles of a liquid or solid that are suspended in the air in the form of a gas. This word is formed by "aero", which means "air" and "sun" refers to...

Definition of Placebo

Placebo is any substance without pharmacological properties, administered to people or groups of people as if it had therapeutic properties. The word placebo comes from the Latin placere, which...

Popular Meanings (125)

Meaning of Partial Communion of GoodsPartial community of property is the regime that represents ...

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Popular Meanings (126)

meaning of tenseTense has different meanings, depending on where it is used. Tense can be somethi...

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Latest Meanings (124)

Definition of supply chainSupply chain is an English expression that means “supply chain” or “log...

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