Meaning of Journalism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Journalism and the informational activity, held periodically and disseminated through the media (press, radio, television, online press).

Journalism itself emerged from the century. XIX, closely linked to the development of the media. Modern technical advances (broadcasting, television) had a decisive impact on journalistic language, which had to adapt to the specific needs of each medium. This specialization also affects the type of periodicity of the publication or informative program: the diaries offer the news news, while weekly, monthly, etc., analyze in more detail and focus on more concrete.

The emergence and improvement of new electronic technologies (video, cable television, internet) is profoundly changing the modes of journalistic production. Nowadays, cell phones themselves are very important instruments in the transmission of news, seen that with them it is possible to record images and sounds much easier, compared to 15 or 20 years back.

Journalism is included in the universe of communication, as it transmits a specific message to a vast number of recipients. An individual who deals with journalism, that is, the journalist can work in various areas of the press, such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, websites, blogs, press offices, etc.

In the early 1960s, the "new journalism", a journalistic and literary style, emerged in the United States. Its main representatives were T. Wolfe, Ch. Bukowski, N. Mailer, among others. It is characterized by introducing in the description of the real facts, the subjective and emotional vision of the characters.

sports journalism

Sports journalism is an area of ​​journalism specialization. This aspect of journalism is related to the vast world of sports. A major challenge for sports journalism is to be able to broadcast news with impartiality, because most likely the The journalist in question has a certain sporting preference (such as a football team preferred). Many newspapers, websites and their journalists are linked by readers to a certain team, which causes discord and conflicts in the general public.

investigative journalism

In investigative journalism (an area of ​​journalism specialization), the journalist has the function of the investigation of matters of relevance to the public, but whose facts are not known general. Investigative journalism usually requires a lot of time to establish the facts, and how it can deal sensitive issues such as corruption, pedophilia, etc., is an area that can put the very life of the journalist.

cultural journalism

Cultural journalism is a branch of journalism that is associated with the various cultural manifestations of a given society. It can cover topics such as music, cinema, theater, plastic arts, among many others. This journalism aims to make readers/spectators aware of what is happening in their environment in the cultural context.

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