Meaning of Force (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Strength is the feminine noun that can mean power, energy, impulse. Also, it's a word used a lot in the context of physics.

Originating in Latin strength, this word indicates the strength or ability to fulfill a certain task.

Strength can also indicate violence. Ex: He pushed her with all his strength.

In some cases, this word is meant to indicate effort. Ex: He made a great effort to get free, but he couldn't.

There is also the muscle strength, which is the force that an individual can exert through their muscles. In addition to muscle strength, there are other important physical attributes that can be developed, such as flexibility, agility, speed and endurance.

Force can also serve to identify a combat or military group, such as a troop or the Air Force. Ex: After the conflicts, the allied country sent a large force to help defend the capital.

Figuratively and informally, strength can be synonymous with help. Ex: He is one of my best friends, because when I needed it most, he gave me strength.

strength in physics

In the field of physics, force is a physical action that causes deformations or changes the state of rest or movement of a given object.

The first to address this concept was Aristotle, but he believed that forces caused movement because bodies had a tendency to be at rest. However, this was modified by Isaac Newton in the 17th century.

The concept of force is related to Newton's laws, created by Isaac Newton, who was responsible for great developments in the field of Physics and more specifically in the study of force. Today, after approximately 3 centuries of being formulated, Newton's laws are still valid. For this reason, the unit of the International System of force is the newton (N).

There are several types of force: inertial force, gravitational force, centrifugal and centripetal force, frictional force, electrical force, magnetic force, nuclear force, etc.

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