Meaning of Missing (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Missing is the one that stop doing something. To be called a silent means that the person should have fulfilled some obligation and did not.

It is also what has been hidden, not exposed and therefore omitted. Usually associated with lying behavior: "he was not a liar, he was silent", that is, the person should have mentioned something fundamental to the question, but omitting it, when revealed makes it sound like a lie.

Sloppy or careless behavior is also characteristic of a missing person. Something missing is something that was done carelessly, with lapses, mistakes, things to do, or that was forgotten.

To be silent is to fail with the word, with the presence, or with some attitude. A neglectful parent is one who does not assume his role as a parent, in raising the child substantially and emotionally. As on the other hand, a neglectful child is one who does not pay attention to the needs of the parents, who does not return home for visits as an adult, among other situations of estrangement.

The word omitted is an adjective that comes from Latin omissus and omitre, which means to blurt out, not to speak of. Formed by ob, intensity prefix, more mitre, which is letting go.

Between the synonyms from omitted are omitted, suppressed, hidden, absent, negligent, careless, remiss and sloppy.

You antonyms are the words present, clear, evident, revealed, mentioned, quoted, referred to, visible. As well as caring, diligent, considerate, attentive and dedicated.

One missing case, according to Brazilian Law, is a situation that is not provided for in the law. And the missing law it is one that has gaps and gives room for confusing and/or opportunistic interpretations.

Missing CPF is a tax situation established by the Internal Revenue Service to identify those records with tax problems that are missing from the annual returns.

See too: Omission

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