Synopsis meaning (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Synopsis It is a species of abstract, one synthesis of a work literary, scientific and etc. The synopsis is also called summary, as it is also a shorter version of an original text, not necessarily an abstract.

The purpose of the synopsis is to make the reader understand the main points of the original text, and the synopsis of a book can be read, film or event, and it is essential to make individuals interested or not in the rest of the work, it is a kind of decoy.

One of the main differences between synopsis and abstract is that the synopsis is usually written by the the author of the text or work in question, which is not true most of the time in the case of Abstract.

Generally, the synopsis starts with the title, it also brings the author's name, type of text and the main idea of ​​the text, the synopsis is different from a review, by example, as it does not contain the interpretation or opinion of the person who wrote it, it is formed only with the opinion of the true writer, often paraphrased.

In the cinematographic context, a synopsis is a summary of the film's argument in which the essential aspects of the plot are gathered, without any technical reference.

Regarding the Bible, the synopsis is a matter of parallel ordering of similar texts found in the first three gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke). This ordination is based on the gospel of Mark, as it is considered the oldest and considered to have more about the doctrine of Christ. Because of this, the first three gospels are known as synoptic, since they are a review of Jesus' work on earth.

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