Latest Meanings (288)

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meaning of impious

Impio means inhuman, unnatural, insensitive. It is that person who has no mercy, who acts cruelly. An ungodly individual is an indifferent, intolerable person, who practices barbarities, who tortures...

Definition of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a psychic disorder that affects self-awareness, affective relationships, perception, and thinking. It is the most frequent endogenous psychosis, affecting about 0.65% of...

Definition of Dysrhythmia

Dysrhythmia is any change in heart rhythm and/or heart rate due to disturbances in the formation and/or conduction of electrical impulses in the heart. The diagnosis of dysrhythmia is...

Definition of Input

Input is a masculine noun in the area of ​​economics and industry, which means each of the essential elements for the production of a particular product or service. Input derives from the Latin term...

Definition of Ubiquity

Ubiquity means being present everywhere at the same time. It is the property or state of what is ubiquitous, which is the ability to be in different places at the same time. Ubiquitous is an adjective, "of...

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Definition of PVC

PVC is the English acronym for “Polyvinyl chloride” which in Portuguese means Polyvinyl chloride (or polyvinyl chloride), a plastic also known as vinyl. PVC is obtained through a...

meaning of essence

Essence is the feminine noun with origin in the Latin essentia and which indicates the nature, substance or essential characteristic of a person or thing. It can also refer to an aroma or perfume. THE...

meaning of feeling

Feeling is an English word that in Portuguese means feeling and seeks to describe the physical sensation of touching, the feeling of warmth, caressing, partnership and complicity. The word feeling...

Meaning of Vide

Vide is a feminine noun meaning a bacillus, which is a stick or arm of a vine. This word originates from the Latin term vitis and is sometimes used as a synonym for vine or vine. The vide...

Definition of Pergola

Pergolado is a masculine noun that describes a decorative structure that is often built in gardens, porches or patios. Pergola is also used to describe a building that has a...

Definition of indomitable

Untamed is an adjective that means untamed, describing something or someone who does not allow himself to be overcome or subdued. It can also be related to a wild, almost unexplored place that has not yet suffered...

meaning of crucial

Crucial is an adjective of two genders, from the Latin “crucialis”, which can express three different meanings. Depending on the context, it can indicate something difficult, positive or even fundamental: 1 - When...

meaning of bruaca

Bruaca is a Brazilian regional term that has several meanings. It is used to characterize an ugly, rude, vulgar, ignorant woman who likes to speak ill of other people's lives. It's an expression...

Definition of Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box is a Greek myth that narrates the arrival of the first woman on Earth and with her the origin of all human tragedies. In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman created by Hephaestus under...

Definition of Xingu

Xingu is an indigenous word that means good, clean water. Xingu is the name of the Brazilian river that rises in the state of Mato Grosso. The Xingu Indigenous Park is located on its banks. It's a region...

Popular Meanings (144)

Meaning of GPS in AccountingGPS stands for Social Security Guide, a document for payment of insur...

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Latest Meanings (142)

Meaning of the Sum and Product MethodSum and Product is a method applied to 2nd degree equations ...

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Latest Meanings (141)

Meaning of the Flag of ChileFlag of Chile is one of the main national symbols of the Chilean unit...

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