Latest Meanings (308)

meaning of conjecture

Conjecture is a feminine noun that means a judgment or opinion with uncertain foundation, or a deduction of an event that could happen in the future, based on a presumption. One...

Definition of Etcetera

Etcetera, means and so on, and the rest, and the rest. It is also used abbreviated "etc.", and pronounced the same as the full word, etcetera. It is used at the end of a sentence, when...

meaning of gangster

Gangster is an English word for a member of a criminal gang, a smuggler or a thief. In Portuguese, it is written "gângster". It is a term derived from the English word "gang"...

Definition of Comadre

Comadre is a term originating from the Latin commatre, which despite having more than one meaning, is more often used to designate the godmother of the child or the mother of the godson. Usually, the parents of...

Definition of Rhetoric

Rhetoric is a word originating from the Greek term rhetorike, which means the art of speaking well, communicating clearly and being able to convey ideas with conviction. Rhetoric is an area...

Status meaning

Status means the social position of an individual, the place he occupies in society, and is a term derived from Latin. Status means standing position, state, situation or condition, and is related to...

Definition of Pull Bag

Gosh bag is an adjective or noun used with a pejorative sense that means flatterer, sycophant, baba egg. A sucker is known for tearing silk, that is, praising someone excessively with the...

meaning of whatever

Whatever is an English term that can mean "anything", "whatever", "whatever", "whatever", "whatever", etc. It is used to refer to...

Definition of Metonymy

Metonymy is the substitution of one word for another, when there is a relationship of proximity of meanings between them that allows this exchange. Eg: The stadium applauded the player. Metonymy is a figure...

Meaning of Above All

Above all, it is a word that can be a noun or an adverb. When it is a noun it means coat, and as an adverb, it means " above all", " mainly " or " especially ". When...

meaning of friend

Friend is the name given to an individual who maintains a relationship of affection, consideration and respect for another person. A friend is someone who has a great affection for one or more people, which is...

meaning of this and this

This is used to return to a term, an idea or a sentence already mentioned, it gives us an idea of ​​proximity to the listener. This one introduces a new idea, not yet mentioned, and can also indicate...

Definition of Lounge

Lounge is an English word that can mean living room, waiting room, anteroom. It can also designate a musical style or a bar. A lounge bar is a lounge where people can meet,...

meaning of skeleton

Esquete is a short play, usually of a comic nature, produced for theatre, cinema, radio or television. The English term with the same meaning is “sketch”. Each skit has about...

Definition of Errata

Errata are corrections made to written materials such as books, manuals or scientific works. It is a term from Latin. The inclusion of an errata in a given work is necessary when the author...

Latest Meanings (304)

meaning of torporTorpor is a masculine noun from the Latin torpore that represents an altered sta...

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Latest Meanings (305)

Definition of FactoringFactoring means mercantile or commercial development in Portuguese. Factor...

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Popular Meanings (307)

meaning of borderA boundary is a physical or artificial line that separates geographical areas an...

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