Meaning of Nationalism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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O nationalism consists of a ideology and political movement, based on nation conscience, which express the belief in the existence of certain common characteristics in a community, national or supranational, and the desire to shape them politically.

With precedents in the Middle Ages, especially in the absolute monarchies, it is from the French Revolution that modern nationalism emerged, simultaneously with the heyday of the industrial bourgeoisie. Later, the struggle against an invading army (Napoleonic Wars) or the desire for independence (the American continent) gave nationalism a new impetus.

The nineteenth century saw the affirmation, both of the bourgeoisie and of nationalism, that they would triumph together in the Italian and German unifications.

In the 20th century, nationalism had two great moments: the emergence of nationalist ideas in partnership with racist theories, as in Germany (National Socialism), Italy (Fascism) and Japan; and nationalism, which emerged in colonized countries after World War II, which is linked to what is currently manifested in the Third World, in the face of neo-colonial forms of exploitation.

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Brazilian nationalism

Brazilian nationalism is a movement that values ​​Brazil, its culture, its diversity and its people. Many consider that the majority of the Brazilian people are not nationalists, or only show love for the nation at the time of major sporting competitions such as the World Cup.

Historically, the Brazilian people have never had to unite against an external threat, as happened in other countries. Even when Brazil gained independence, this achievement was achieved for the benefit of a small group that fought for its interests. Many believe that for this reason nationalism was not fostered in Brazil.

romantic nationalism

Romantic nationalism (also known as identity or organic nationalism) is a type of nationalism that is based on the notion that its people are unique and creative, and express their culture through various areas such as language, religion, customs, etc. In the case of romantic nationalism, the power of the state and its policies are legitimized thanks to the unity of the people under its governance.

boastful nationalism

Pride nationalism can also be considered exaggerated or exaggerated nationalism in the case of excessive pride in the country where a person was born. In this case, it is common for a boastful nationalist to consider himself superior to others. This type of presumption can lead to acts of discrimination against people from another country.

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nationalism and separatism

Nationalism and separatism are two concepts that in many cultures are closely linked. Separatism is the intention and demand for political and economic independence of a particular people or nation. In the 20th century, several conflicts arose that had their origin in the nationalism of some separatist groups. Some of the best known cases are conflicts in Africa, Yugoslavia, Chechnya, Kashmir, East Timor, Northern Ireland and in the Basque area of ​​Spain.

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