Meaning of Size A4 (What it is, Concept and Definition)

A4 size is the setting the measurement of a sheet of paper which is normally used in official and academic documents. In centimeters, the dimension of A4 paper is 21cm X 29.7cm.

A4 paper size can be displayed in different metrics such as millimeters (210mm X 297mm); or in pixels (2480px X 3508px). These dimensions are for the leaves in vertical position, if they are presented in the “landscape” format, the values ​​must be inverted.

Example: A4 landscape size = 297mm x 210mm.

A4 size

The definition of these configurations is done through the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, specifically the NBR 10068/87 standard. Also according to ABNT standards, there are different standard sheet sizes that are suitable for each type of material or utility.

Paper sizes (in centimeters)

  • A0 = 84.1cm x 118.9cm
  • A1 = 59.4cm x 84.1cm
  • A2 = 42cm x 59.4cm
  • A3 = 29.7cm x 42cm
  • A4 = 21cm x 29.7cm
  • A5 = 14.8cm x 21cm
  • A6 = 10.5cm x 14.8cm
  • A7 = 7.4cm x 10.5cm

As seen, the paper size tends to be smaller as the numbers increase. For example, A3 paper is twice as much as A4 paper.

Learn more about sheet size.

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