Latest Meanings (282)

Definition of Cow Hand

Mão de Vaca is a popular expression used to designate an individual who does not like to spend money, who is stingy, stingy, stingy. The "cow hand" is the one who deprives himself of everything in order to...

Definition of Sweating

Sweating is the act of producing and releasing sweat, which begins when the core body temperature is above 37°C. Sweating is necessary to control body temperature, especially during...

Definition of Franchise

Franchise is the feminine noun that means the act or effect of franchising, being synonymous with privilege or exemption. It is also related to the trading system known as franchising. One...

Meaning of usurp

To usurp is to take something dishonestly, it is to take possession in a fraudulent way, it is to exercise a function improperly, it is to use artifices to obtain profit improperly. To usurp is a transitive verb...

meaning of anointed

Anointed is an adjective that qualifies one who has anointed himself, that is, who was anointed with oils consecrated, who received extreme unction, who was subjected to the consecration ceremony, who was invested in...

meaning of darling

Darling means beloved, very dear. It is an affectionate, affectionate and tender expression to call the person you like a lot. Depending on the context in which it is used, the word darling can be a...

Definition of Pandora

Pandora is a character from Greek mythology and can also be a musical instrument. According to etymology, the word pandora is formed by pan which means "all or all" and doron, which means "gift or...

Meaning of Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the sick is a Christian rite that consists of anointing the sick with holy oil. In the Catholic Church, the ritual is also called “Holy Unction” or “Last Sacrament”. The anointing...

Meaning of Anointing

Anointing is a term originating from the Latin "ungere" which means "to anoint". Anointing is the effect of anointing some part of the body with some oily product. In the religious sense anointing is practiced as part of...

Meaning of Acceptance

Acceptance is the sense in which a word is used, which can have several interpretations depending on the context in which it is inserted, it is the understanding, the understanding, the meaning. The meaning of...

Definition of Chuchu

Chuchu is an edible vegetable produced by a climbing plant also called chuchu or chuchuzeiro. It is consumed cooked, in salads, soups, etc. Popularly, the term "chuchu" is used...

Definition of My Dear

My Dear is an expression of the English language that in Portuguese means my darling or my darling. It is an affectionate, affectionate or tender way of treating the other. The expression "my dear" is formed from...

Meaning of Usurpation

Usurpation means forgery, defrauding, cheating. It is the act or effect of usurping, that is, deceiving, cheating, defrauding, injuring. Usurpation is a feminine noun that names the act of acquiring...

Meaning of Revoke

To revoke is to nullify, undo, eliminate, derogate, invalidate. To revoke is to cancel a decision made previously. It's going back, it's making something go out of effect. Revoke is a transitive verb...

Definition of Utility

Utility is the feminine noun that means the usefulness of something or someone. It is synonymous with service or advantage. The word utility can also indicate a service or a person who...

Popular Meanings (304)

meaning of the troposphereTroposphere is the atmospheric layer closest to the Earth's surface, av...

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Popular Meanings (302)

meaning of dungeonDungeon is the name given to prisons located underground, mainly of ancient cas...

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Popular Meanings (303)

Types of cultureCulture is a set of particularities that characterize a group of people, a family...

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