Meaning of Taboo (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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The meaning of taboo generally refers to a prohibition on engaging in any social activity that is morally, religiously, or culturally objectionable. Saying that something is taboo can mean that it is sacred and therefore no contact is prohibited. Or it could also mean something dangerous, unclean, or impure. Every society has its own moral standards. Taboos that exist in one culture may not exist in others.

Taboos are created by social, religious and cultural conventions. They are means of preserving society's good customs by limiting the practice of certain acts or avoiding talking about controversial issues.

The taboos are related to language, in which it is prohibited to pronounce swear words and other foul names (for example, devil); the common sex taboos, considered religious sins; or even food restrictions (eating human or certain animal meat, blood, etc.). The euphemism is a language that is often used to avoid the taboo. Breaking a taboo can lead to divine punishment, in addition to guilt, embarrassment, shame, etc.

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Breaking the Taboo - Movie

the brazilian film breaking the taboo is a documentary that discusses the current panorama of the fight against drugs in Brazil. The film is directed by Fernando Grostein Andrade and includes the participation of former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso and other influential figures in their countries, such as US politicians George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

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