Meaning of Bite and Blow (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Bite and blow is a popular expression used to refer to the behavior of a hypocritical and false person, who acts incorrectly and then suddenly changes his attitude.

When it is said that a certain individual “bites and blows” it means that he hurts others, with offensive acts, but then begins to want pleasing the previously offended person by apologizing and acting as if no unpleasant situation ever happened.

Origin of the expression "Bite and Blow"

It is believed that this expression initially emerged from the observation made about the behavior of bats.

Bats are known to suck the blood of their victims without their noticing. In an attempt to explain this fact, people used to claim that the bat blew the wound made on its fangs in order to relieve the pain.

However, nowadays, it is known that bat saliva has anesthetic characteristics, which is why animals do not feel pain while being attacked by this flying mammal.

"Death and Blow" - Novel

In 2011, TV Globo aired the telenovela “Morde e Assopra”, created by Walcyr Carrasco and directed by Pedro Vasconcelos and Rogério Gomes.

The title's explanation lies in the fact that the main plot of the novel is the conflict of relationships. In this context, people often say what they shouldn't, especially when they're angry, and then want to apologize, or even pretend they didn't do anything.

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