Latest Meanings (286)

Definition of Unknown

Unknown is an adjective in English that means unknown. The word unknown is used to describe something that is beyond anyone's knowledge or understanding. It may indicate an unknown,...

Citation meaning

Quotation is the feminine noun that indicates the act or effect of quoting or referring to something. A quote expresses an idea or opinion of a specific author's text, and the author...

Logo meaning

Logo, or logo, is the concept of the area of ​​advertising, marketing and branding that consists of the visual or graphic representation that identifies a brand or company. The logo is intended to differentiate...

Definition of Smoothness

Smoothness is the feminine noun that indicates the quality of what is smooth, smooth, or not discrepancies. In a figurative sense, smoothness can be synonymous with openness, sincerity or frankness...

Meaning of Postulate

Postulate is a sentence that is not proved or demonstrated, and therefore becomes obvious or becomes an initial consensus for the acceptance of a given theory. The postulate is not necessarily a...

Meaning of Merchandising

Merchandising is a word in English, being a concept in the marketing area that indicates a technique for planning and promoting a product, in the proper place and time. In English, the word merchandise...

Definition of Brainstorming

Brainstorming means brainstorming or brainstorming. It is an English expression formed by the joining of the words " brain ", which means brain, intellect and " storm ", which means...

Extinction meaning

Extinction means the effect of extinction and is directly related to biology and ecology. Extinction is death, the total disappearance of several species, such as animals, plants, and it can...

Summary meaning

Abstract is an abbreviated exhibition of an event, literary or artistic work. A summary is the act of summarizing something through a summary or summary. Making a summary means presenting the...

Meaning of Reiterate

Reiterate is a transitive verb that means to do or say again. Some synonyms are: repeat, renew, iterate, etc. This verb conveys the idea of ​​insisting and is often used to highlight the...

meaning of silhouette

Silhouette is a feminine noun that means profile, outline, or indicates a side view of someone. In a broader sense, it can be the outline of an object, or the general shape of something...

Definition of Hybrid

Hybrid because it is used to designate a type of animal or plant, a type of service, or a type of vehicle engine. Hybrid animal or plant are those bred by two distinct species...

Logo meaning

Logomarca, or simply logo, is the graphic representation of the name of a company or brand, which determines its visual identity and aims to facilitate its recognition. A logo gives...

Sublimation meaning

Sublimation is a physicochemical phenomenon that consists in the direct passage of a substance from the solid state to the gaseous state and vice versa, without going through the liquid state. Some of the examples more...

meaning of leadership

Leadership is the art of leading people, attracting followers and positively influencing mindsets and behaviors. Leadership can come naturally, when a person excels in the role of...

Popular Meanings (321)

Definition of Semi-presidentialismSemi-presidentialism is a type of government system that mixes ...

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Popular Meanings (322)

Definition of Excluded from illegalityThe illegality exclusions are some hypotheses that allow th...

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Latest Meanings (322)

meaning of zeusZeus was the god of gods, sovereign of Mount Olympus, god of the sky and thunder, ...

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