let it be is an expression in the English language that means "let him be" or "let him be", in the literal translation to the Portuguese language.
However, the closest expression in the Portuguese language to the real meaning of let it be it would be “let it go”, “let it happen” or “let it be”.
This expression conveys the idea of freedom, in addition to the sense of "keep calm", "avoid being disturbed” or not limiting or arresting a person, leaving them free to make their own decisions.
“let it be” - The Beatles
This was the thirteenth studio album released by the British group The Beatles, in May 1970.
“let It be” was composed by Paul McCartney (one of the members of The Beatles) and is considered one of the many successes of the Liverpool band.
This song would have been a tribute from Paul McCartney to his mother (Mary McCartney), who died of cancer when the singer was still a child.
To promote the album, the group also released a movie with the same name ("let It be”), one year after the end of the recordings on the disc.
Learn about the meaning of others English expressions.