Meaning of Homoaffectiveness (What it is, Concept and Definition)

homoaffectiveness and the affective relationship between people of the same sex, who want the recognition of their rights through the formation of a partnership through the law, have the right to marry and be able to perform all the acts and rights of a natural society, such as those existing between husband and wife, according to the good mores.

Homoaffectiveness indicates the presence of a loving bond, where two lives intertwine to participate in a family life. In this interaction there will be obligations, duties and commitment that are the basis of the family and intend to be recognized as such.

Homosexuals still struggle against discrimination and prejudice in many places around the world.

Maria Berenice Dias is a Brazilian jurist, retired judge, who is internationally recognized for her defense of the family, women and society, and transformed the understanding of family to incorporate relationships between people of the same sex creating the term of homo-affective relationships, that is, of relationships between people of the same sex, being this relationship based on homoaffectiveness.

See also the meaning of Homosexuality.

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