Meaning of CTI and ICU (What it is, Concept and Definition)

CTI and ICU are intensive monitoring units for critically ill patients admitted to hospitals.

CTI stands for Intensive Care and Treatment Center and consists of a special area of ​​the hospital where they are patients in serious condition, with the need to have all their vital signs continuously monitored.

Learn more about the meaning of CTI.

The ICU is the acronym for Intensive Care Unit or Intensive Care Unit which, like the ICU, is also intended to continuously care for and monitor the vital state of patients.

Find out more details about the meaning of ICU.

Both spaces are made up of qualified professionals specialized in different areas of medicine, in addition to a wide range of equipment and technologies that help in the work of surveillance and recovery of patients.

Differences between CTI and ICU

Many people think that CTI and UTI are the same thing, however there are some subtle differences between the two.

Normally, the ICU does not house specialized cases in a specific pathology, but all patients who need intensive follow-up.

The ICU is intended for specific cases, such as the neonatal ICU, cardiology ICU, burn ICU, etc.

The ICU is more common in large hospitals, while ICUs can be found in smaller hospitals.

From another point of view, the CTI can also be, as its name implies, a center that encompasses several different units, such as the ICU and the Semi-Intensive Unit, intended for less bass.

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