Popular Meanings (325)

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Definition of Scale Faithful

Scale Faithful is the name given to the pointer present on older scales to indicate the heavier side. Nowadays, the expression is popularly used to qualify something as decisive or reliable. THE...

Meaning of Culture for Sociology

Culture for sociology is the set of beliefs, values, customs, artifacts, laws and norms of a society. This concept comprises all aspects arising from social contact between individuals and...

meaning of polar climate

Polar climate or glacial climate is a climate group that defines the climate of regions near the poles terrestrial, characterized by maintaining air temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius in the months more...

Meaning of Ethical Values

Ethical values ​​represent the general principles that should guide people in their social life. It is worth remembering that ethics is only possible because life in society causes the actions of a...

What is Solar Radiation

Solar radiation is the energy emitted by the sun in the form of radiation - electromagnetic waves. It is emitted by the photosphere, the outermost layer of the sun, which is approximately 300 km long. É...

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Definition of Humanistic Psychology

It is the perspective of psychology that supports the belief that human beings, as individuals, are unique beings and should be recognized and treated as such by psychologists and psychiatrists. Psychology...


Archetype is a psychology concept used to represent behavior patterns associated with a character or social role. The mother, the sage and the hero are examples of archetypes. Those...


An algorithm is a sequence of instructions or commands carried out systematically with the objective of solving a problem or performing a task. The word "algorithm" refers to the mathematician...

Newton's 3 Laws

Newton's laws are a set of three laws that explain the dynamics of motion of bodies, together they form the foundations of classical mechanics. They were created by Isaac Newton and published in 1687, in his...


The orixás are deities of Yoruba African mythology who became popular in Brazil with the African-based religions Umbanda and Candomblé. Yoruba is a region of Africa made up of diverse groups...

Definition of Scientific Administration

It is a scientific method created with the aim of increasing production within organizations and improving workers' efficiency. Scientific management is commonly referred to as “...

Definition of Concretism

Concretism is a Brazilian artistic movement that was inspired by the abstract art of 20th century Europe and which had its greatest expression in poetry. Concretist poetry proposes the abolition of verse...

Meaning of Middle Ages

Middle Ages is a period of history that begins in the middle of the fifth century (476 AD. C), with the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and extends to the mid-fifteenth century (1453 d. C), when Constantinople is...

Definition of Cache

Cachê is the name given to the monetary amount paid to the artist (musician, actor and other entertainment professionals) after their presentation to the public. Etymologically, this term originated from...

Definition of Privatization

Privatization is the process by which public companies pass into the hands of the private sector. In this process, companies that belonged to the State are sold to the private sector, which becomes...


Popular Meanings (44)

Definition of UnknownIncognita is the feminine noun that indicates something unknown or unknown a...

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Latest Meanings (42)

Adverb meaningAdverb is any invariable word that accompanies the verb, adjective or other adverb,...

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Latest Meanings (43)

Definition of PluralPlural refers to anything that is composed of more than one element. In Portu...

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