Popular Meanings (44)

Definition of Unknown

Incognita is the feminine noun that indicates something unknown or unknown and that one intends to know. This word comes from the Latin word incognitu with the prefix in (which indicates negation) and cognitus...

Definition of Hyperplasia

Hyperplasia is a medical term that means the increase in size of an organ or tissue, caused by the multiplication of the number of cells. In the vast majority of cases, this growth...

meaning of nepotism

Nepotism is a term used to designate favoring relatives or close friends in to the detriment of more qualified people, generally with regard to the appointment or elevation of positions...

Definition of Insight

Insight is a noun originating in the English language and meaning sudden understanding of something or a certain situation. Insight is also related to the ability to discern, it can...

meaning of time

Time is the duration of facts, it is what determines the moments, periods, times, hours, days, weeks, centuries, etc. The word time can have several different meanings, depending on the...

Meaning of Orange Color

The color orange means joy, vitality, prosperity and success. It is a warm color resulting from a mixture of red and yellow primary colors. It is associated with creativity, as its use awakens...

meaning of cold war

Cold War is the designation of a historical period of disputes between the United States and the Soviet Union, comprising the period between the end of World War II, in 1945, and the extinction of the...

7 Philosophers who defined Love in an epic way

Can love be defined or just felt? In the name of love, the greatest follies are committed, but the most beautiful and remarkable things in history are also done. See what these 7 philosophers...

meaning of idiot

Idiot means fool, goofy. From the Greek "idiots" which means "lay person, without professional skills", as opposed to those who developed some specialized work. In the original sense,...

Definition of Sedentary

Sedentary lifestyle is the lack or reduction of physical and sports activities, which results in a reduced caloric expenditure. Sedentary lifestyle is related to high-risk health problems such as obesity and...

meaning of coherence

Coherence is the characteristic of what has logic and cohesion, when a set of ideas presents nexus and uniformity. For something to have coherence, this object needs to present a sequence that...

Definition of Disposal of Assets

Disposal of assets is the transfer of ownership of assets from an individual to a third party. The alienation of assets is any item of economic value owned by an individual, such as real estate, motorcycle,...

meaning of reason

Reason, in the general sense, is the faculty of intellectual knowledge proper to human beings, it is an understanding, as opposed to emotion. It is the capacity of deductive thinking, carried out through...

meaning of sensible

Sensato is a masculine adjective that qualifies one who has good sense, one who makes the perfect application of reason to judge or reason in each particular case of his life. To be sensible means to be...

Phrase meaning I just know that I know nothing

I only know that I know nothing is a famous phrase attributed to the Greek philosopher Socrates which signifies an acknowledgment of the author's own ignorance. Some thinkers and philosophers dispute that...

Latest Meanings (165)

Definition of VisionaryVisionary is the quality of something or someone who is idealistic, who ha...

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Popular Meanings (168)

Meaning of SemesterSemester corresponds to the time period of six consecutive months. A year is u...

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Popular Meanings (169)

Definition of AcuityAcuity is a feminine noun that names what is sharp, which ends in a point, th...

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