Nylon (or nylon in Portuguese) is a synthetic fiber obtained through chemical combinations. Wallace Hume Carothers was the creator of this material that belongs to the same group of polyamides. A fabric made from nylon means it's an elastic, lightweight and resistant fabric. It is widely used in the manufacture of sportswear, underwear, bathing suits, bikinis, pantyhose, etc. Fishing lines are also made from nylon.
Other characteristics of nylon fabrics are: durability, it is easy to wash and does not need ironing, it is soft, smooth and smooth, has low moisture absorption, can be dyed in a variety of colors, can have too much or too little shine, etc.
Nylon, being from the same family as plastics, raises questions about environmental damage. Nylon is not biodegradable and uses non-renewable raw materials in its production.
There are many versions of the origin of the word nylon. According to the company DuPont, which registered the patent for the fiber created in its laboratories, the prefix “nyl” was randomly chosen to join “on” which is suffixed to many English fiber names, as per example:
cotton, rayon, etc,