City is a densely populated area where residential, commercial and industrial areas are grouped together. The meaning of city (urban area, urban environment) is opposed to that of countryside (rural area). City is the headquarters of...
Excel is a word in the English language in which the verb to excel means to excel, to surpass others in good qualities. It derives from the Latin “ excellere” (to ascend, to be eminent) where “ex” means...
A eunuch is a castrated male who has had his testicles and/or penis removed. In the figurative sense the term is used to mean “sterile”, “powerless”, “weak” or “useless”. In the East...
Intellect means understanding, reasoning, reflection. Intellect comes from Latin and means to read from the inside, it is a cognitive power of the human soul, through which it knows something about itself, something that it...
Retumbante is a two-gender adjective originating from the verb retumbar, which means something that resounds, resonates, echoes. Something classified as resounding is resonant and rumbling, and makes a big...
Close up is an expression in English, widely used in photography and video recording that means a shot where the camera is very close to the person or object in question, enabling one...
Cycle is a word originating from the Greek term kýklos, which means a series of cyclic phenomena, that is, ones that are constantly renewed. In the context of astronomy, a cycle is the time in years in...
Logic is a feminine noun with origins in the Greek term logiké, related to logos, reason, word or speech, which means the science of reasoning. In a figurative sense, the word logic is...
Shareholder is a very common English word in the business context, which in Portuguese means shareholder, that is, a person who owns at least one share of an organization or company. You...
Lair is a feminine noun meaning shelter or refuge. In a figurative sense, den is used as an expression of hospitality, meaning asylum or shelter. The expression "to give shelter" means...
Minute is the first draft of a document or any writing. It is a draft, an outline of a text. (From the Latin minutu). Minuta is also a drawing made in plain view of the terrain, in the survey of...
Scheduled (or planned) obsolescence means reducing the life of a product to increase consumption of newer versions. Planning the aging of a product is a practiced action...
Maromba is a masculine noun from the Arabic term mabruma, which can mean weight training or a stick used by acrobats to maintain balance when they are on a tightrope...
In the figurative sense, encouragement means stimulus, impulse, help. The term is also used in the sense of relief, balm, that which soothes. It has an etymological origin in the Latin “fomentus”, whose...
Occultism is the study and practice of sciences that are shrouded in mystery. It is the science of hidden things or the study of things and phenomena for which natural laws have not yet explained...