Fandango is a musical style characterized by its dance, with frenetic, animated and exhibitionist movements, marked mainly by tap dancing. Fandango dance is predominantly accompanied...
Eject means eject or throw out. In Computer Science, the term is commonly used to designate the act of removing a USB device connected to the computer using a specific command for this...
The meaning of the acronym HC can refer to: Hospital das Clinicas (hospital center), Habeas Corpus (legal instrument) or even Hardcore (aggressive and exaggerated version of something). Clinical Hospital...
Monetizing is turning something into money, making it profitable, making any good or service profitable. Monetize is a transitive verb, which means to coin. The word comes from the French monétiser...
Tree fern or fern (in Tupi, large fern) is an arborescent fern, that is, it has the shape of a tree and has broad leaves divided into follicles. Tree fern fiber belongs to the group of plants...
Chorumela is something of little value, trifle. It is also popularly used with the meaning of whining, spiel. It can take on different meanings depending on the context where it is being applied. THE...
Boss is a colloquial English expression meaning boss, boss and master. Hugo Boss is a German clothing and perfume brand, created in 1923 by Hugo Ferdinand Boss, a German tailor. The tailoring was...
Religious education consists of a discipline of basic education in Brazil, where its main objective is to propose reflections on the foundations, customs and values of the various religions existing in the...
Unbeliever is the quality of someone who does not believe in something, usually used to refer to an individual who has no religious faith. An unbelieving person can also be one who is skeptical, that is, not...
Star of Bethlehem is a phenomenon registered in the Christian tradition that would have marked the birth of Jesus Christ, indicating to the Three Magi the exact place where the promised Messiah would be. The story...
Admiring is a verb in the Portuguese language and refers to the act of contemplating someone or something with pleasure, pride and affection. This term can also be used when there is a mixture between the feeling of...
Tram is an urban electric vehicle that runs on rails and is used to transport passengers or cargo. Used as slang, it means a set of friends who tend to hang out in a group. The trams...
Mise en place (pronounced “miz õ plas”) is a French term widely used in the field of gastronomy, especially with the advent of Nouvelle Cuisine, which means "to put in order" or "put on...
SEO is the acronym for "Search Engine Optimization", which means "search engine optimization", or website optimization. SEO is the set of strategies aimed at enhancing and improving the...
Supimpa is an adjective in Portuguese that qualifies something as “very good”, “excellent” or “great”. The word supimpa is commonly used as a popular slang in Brazil, mainly...