Diagnosis is the word of the area of medicine what does the qualification of a doctor in relation to a physical or mental illness or condition based on the observed symptoms.
The diagnosis must take into account not only the symptoms but also the patient's medical history. When the disease is identified at its onset, when few or no symptoms appear, we are facing a early diagnosis.
Through the diagnosis it is possible to do the prognosis, which consists of predicting how the disease will manifest in the future.
In addition, a correct diagnosis made early can reduce the sequelae caused by the disease, facilitate treatment and increase the probability of survival (in the case of serious diseases).
In the area of Communication, the diagnosis refers to the identification of the problem in question, while the prognosis consists of in anticipation of what might happen if the company that asked for the forecast adopts the measures advised.
There is also the social diagnosis, a tool used to understand a social reality, classifying the needs and main problems of a society.
organizational diagnosis
The organizational or business diagnosis is an important planning tool, which aims to analyze the organizational climate, identifying the organization's needs.
The diagnosis also assesses the level of satisfaction of employees in relation to the company, through their opinions. The organizational diagnosis is made through opinion questionnaires, interviews, observation and group dynamics.
environmental diagnosis
The environmental diagnosis, carried out by environmental consulting companies, consists of the environmental quality and the environmental impact that a company has on the biological, physical and socioeconomic environment.
This diagnosis certifies that companies are not breaking some environmental protection laws, preventing them from being harmed in the event of an environmental inspection.
When it is done in relation to the biotic environment, the environmental diagnosis aims to analyze a determined area, identifying as many animal and plant elements as possible, and its state of conservation.