Meaning of Freak (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Freak is a word of English origin that means "aberration" in Portuguese, used to qualify something that is out of the ordinary; abnormal or supernatural.

The term freak is widely used as slang to denote something or someone "crazy", "funny" or "unusual". Example: "This car is totally freak!" - "This car is totally insane!"

Another expression often used by English speakers is "freak out" which, in the Portuguese translation, means "to go mad", "to freak out", "to lose your mind" or "to lose your mind". It is usually an expression used when someone gets angry and loses control of the situation.

The word freak it can even be used as a slang term for someone who is fascinated, fan, devotee or enthusiast of something. For example, fans of the Harry Potter series can be called potter freaks, as well as Marvel comic book, movie and character enthusiasts are also known for marvel freaks.

freak show

In English, Freak Show is the name given to the "Shows of Aberrations", or also known in Brazil as "Shows of Horrors".

It consists of a spectacle of presentations of human beings and animals who were born or have some abnormal condition, whether due to genetic mutations, diseases or physical training defects.

Freak shows were very popular in circuses and festivals between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

Among the main attractions of the freak shows there were "bearded women", people with two heads (Xiphopagus twins), people without arms or legs, people with physical deformities, and so on.

The American Television Series American Horror Story: Freak Show presents, through fictional stories, the environment of the freak shows in the 1950s.

Jesus Freak

The term Jesus Freak it makes reference to a Christian subculture that emerged in Germany in the early 1990s.

One Jesus freak is an individual who calls himself completely "in love with Jesus and his teachings", no matter what impositions or mistakes the church may have.

The concept of Jesus freak it is not understood as a collective celebration, but rather as a personal lifestyle.

Based on the concepts of "Jesus People", which emerged in the mid-1960s, the Jesus Freak was created by Martin Dreyer, who in 1994 founded the Jesus Freaks Internationalr, a non-profit organization based in Berlin.

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