Popular Meanings (315)

Meaning of Ditch

A pit is the same as a pit, a deep excavation with the purpose of delimiting a separation between two spaces or for storage and drainage of something, such as water (water pit), air (water pit...

meaning of didactic sequence

Didactic sequence is a term used in the educational area that characterizes the set of planned and interconnected activities for the teaching of a content. It can be elaborated in stages, organized by...

Definition of Supply and Demand

Supply and demand are economic concepts used to explain how markets work. They are fundamentals of microeconomics, which explain how the formation of prices takes place through the interaction...

Significance of the Treaty of Versailles

Treaty of Versailles is the name given to the peace treaty signed between European countries and which symbolized the end of the First World War, which took place between 1914 and 1918. The Treaty of Versailles...

Definition of First Aid

First aid is urgent medical assistance procedures that must be provided to anyone who is suffering from sudden illness, injury and injury. First aid can be...

Definition of Guilt

Culpability is an expression used in the area of ​​Law that means the responsibility that can be attributed to a person for the practice of an unlawful act. According to the principle of guilt not...

Third Industrial Revolution

The Third Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technical-Scientific-Informational Revolution, is the last moment of the period in which Europe and America underwent significant changes...

Definition of Exchange

Exchange is the act of traveling to another country and residing there for a predetermined time, with the purpose of studying, working or acquiring knowledge about the local culture. O...

Definition of Fruit and Fruit Difference

Despite being concepts used indifferently by a large part of the population, fruit and fruit are not synonymous. Fruit is a terminology used to refer to a botanical structure...

Meaning of Flag of Croatia

Croatia's official flag consists of three horizontal stripes in blue, white and red, with the Croatian coat of arms in the center. It is one of the greatest symbols of the European country, and it was adopted...

Definition of Democratic Party

The Democratic Party is one of the two main political parties in the United States of America and the biggest opponent of the Republican Party, the second largest political party. Andrew Jackson's supporters, the...

meaning of parliamentary decorum

Parliamentary decorum is a legal term that characterizes the individual conduct or posture that a person with a political office or mandate must adopt in the exercise of their mandate. This type of conduct should be...

Definition of Consulting

Consulting is a specialized counseling service, carried out by specialists in a certain area, who guide the client in order to help him achieve his goals. In the consulting process,...

Definition of Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Qualitative and quantitative research are complementary methods of scientific investigation in order to gather data and opinions. These are the two types of approaches to a survey and both are...

Meaning of the final judgment

Final judgment is the time, according to some religious doctrines, of God's last and final judgment on all beings on Earth. Judgment Day, as it is also known, is often compared...

Popular Meanings (100)

Meaning of Infinity SymbolThe infinity symbol, also known as the Lying Eight, represents the conc...

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Latest Meanings (103)

Meaning of the halter voteHalter voting is an ancient system of abusive, imposing and arbitrary p...

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Latest Meanings (102)

Definition of SpeedSpeed ​​is related to the time it takes to travel a certain space or do someth...

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