Portuguese language (6)

Meaning of vice versa

Vice versa is an adverb used to indicate something whose order is reversed from the initial order. It can also be used to identify when something is done or done in a way...

Definition of Diligent

Diligent is an adjective attributed to anyone who performs a certain activity quickly, efficiently and responsibly. It is used to describe the quality of a person who is active,...

Incidence Definition

Incidence is the quality of what is related to the frequency or quantity with which something happens. It is directly related to the regularity with which a certain action takes place or is incident...

Meaning of Inclusion

Inclusion is the act of including and adding, that is, adding things or people in groups and nuclei that were not part of it before. Socially, inclusion represents an act of equality between the different...

Sincerely and cordially

Yours truly and cordially are adverbs so used as a courtesy at the end of any formal correspondence. Expressions can be used at the end of communications such as letters,...

Meaning of Functioning

Functioning is a term that refers to how something or someone performs a function of its own. It is related to the act of functioning, of performing an activity or work in a way...

meaning of slag

Slag is a pejorative term used to refer to the socially disadvantaged strata of society. In short, it consists of people considered despicable, inferior and irrelevant within a group...

meaning of too much

Too much is an adjective that qualifies what is above or above what is considered normal. It consists of something that is exaggerated or that is in excess. When you use the word too much, for...

Definition of Fraud

Fraud is an illegal and dishonest action, characterized by the forgery of products, documents, brands, etc. The purpose of fraud is to deceive other people for their own benefit or for...

meaning of elsewhere

Alhures is an adverb in the Portuguese language and it means the same as "in another place" or "in another moment". Many people think that elsewhere and somewhere are adverbs of place with different meanings...

meaning of misfortune

Misfortune is the same as misfortune and bad luck, characterizing a state or situation that is tragic and unhappy. This term is also often used to refer to what has a funeral or...

meaning of decorum

Decorum is the same as acting with decency and modesty, following the moral and ethical standards provided for in a society. This term is also related to the behavior of modesty and respect shown by someone...

Meaning of Gradually

Gradually it is an adverb that characterizes something that is done with a certain progression of time, that is, it is produced little by little. It is possible to understand the meaning of gradually when, by...

Meaning of Arouse

To arouse is a verb that means the same as to cause, provoke or originate something or something. This verb is used to convey the idea of ​​a certain thing being initiated, that is, appearing,...

meaning of interpretation

Interpretation is a feminine noun that characterizes the action or effect that establishes a relationship of perception of the message you want to transmit, whether simultaneous or consecutive, between two...

Latest Meanings (105)

Meaning of AgentDeputy is one who has been posted before, who has been preferred, announced, or g...

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Popular Meanings (105)

Meaning of fundamental rightsFundamental rights are the basic individual, social, political and l...

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Popular Meanings (106)

Definition of DepressionDepression is a term used in psychiatry to designate a mood disorder, a s...

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