Meaning of Commune (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Commune, in the broad sense, means a local community, urban or rural, with relative administrative autonomy, a municipality. From the French, “common”.

In Brazil, the expression "commune" is a popular form used to refer to communism, social doctrine which advocates the principle of economic organization in which the means of production become property public.

In China, "people's communes" were the independent communities, created by the Chinese Revolution, with freedom to look after their interests, like a small town.

In Italy, a commune is a basic unit of territorial organization, the equivalent of a municipality in Brazil.

In the strict sense, the term commune applies to two revolutionary governments: that of the French Revolution, between 1792 and 1794, a bourgeois movement, called the First Commune, and that of revolutionary power installed in Paris in 1871, after the lifting of the siege, a movement of the proletariat, called the Second Commune from Paris.

Commune in the Middle Ages

In the organization of medieval society, the commune was a town that emancipated itself from feudalism and represented, in the form of corporations, or other associations, the layer of artisans and merchants, guaranteeing external defense, internal stability and a series of public services. Communes gradually turned into cities.

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