Meaning of Prevaricate (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Prevaricar is a verb in Portuguese and is related to act of disrespecting or not complying with an order and duty in bad faith.

The act of prevarication follows the personal interests of the individual who practiced it, usually acting against good customs and morals.

In the legal and political sphere, for example, prevaricate is a term used to represent the abuse of power practiced by a certain authority, which causes social injustice and damages to the State.

In the legal sector, malfeasance (act of malfeasance) is considered a functional crime, that is, it is practiced by a public official against the Public Administration itself.

Learn more about meaning of prevarication.

As provided for in Article 319 of the Criminal Code (Decree-Law No. 2848/40), a crime of malfeasance:

"Delay or fail to unduly practice an official act, or practice it against an express provision of law, to satisfy a personal interest or feeling"

The penalty provided for the convict varies between three months and one year of detention, plus the payment of fines.

Prevarication can also represent a breach of trust with someone, especially when something that has been secretly confided to someone is publicly disclosed by that person.

the main synonyms of prevaricate they are: corrupting, deviating, disobeying, adulterating, betraying, exaggerating, abusing, perverting, sinning, weakening and misleading.

See also: meaning of procrastinate.

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