Definition of Antisepsis (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Antisepsis is a set of sterilization techniques that aim to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, responsible for causing infectious diseases, for example.

Normally, antisepsis is done through chemical substances (antiseptics), such as bactericides, disinfectants and other products that are intended to sanitize a certain location or living tissue.

See also: the meaning of Disinfection and Antiseptic.

Antisepsis procedures are very common in hospitals and laboratories, as they are places where there is a large concentration of people predisposed to be contaminated by infectious microorganisms, due to low body immunity caused by a disease, by example.

Difference between Antisepsis and Asepsis

The main difference between antisepsis and asepsis is that the latter aims to prevent contamination of a given environment by pathogens.

Antisepsis, on the other hand, consists of using products in certain places contaminated by infectious agents, with the aim of eliminating them or reducing their proliferation to other areas.

Read more about difference between asepsis and antisepsis.

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