Meaning of True Friendship (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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True friendship it is one that exists between people, between people and animals, where one can trust the other above all else.

True friendship is one in which both parties care and care for the other person, regardless of the situation, the moment.

True friendship is a much discussed topic these days, since, with the globalized world, and the capitalism, many people end up worrying only about their profession, their family and forget about their friendships, or they are friends with others just for interests, whether they are professionals or not.

True friendship is also called the relationship between people and their pets. The relationship gets its name since the animals don't demand anything but their basic needs and cuddling, they they don't have ulterior motives, they don't complain, they don't fight, and they're always available, just a call away.

True friendship is quite common in both men and women. True friendship is one where the individual does not think twice about helping the other, he is always available, regardless of the time, they make efforts without asking for anything in return, and this type of relationship is becoming increasingly rarer. A true friend is altruistic, he thinks first about his friend's welfare.

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