Meaning of Cerrar (What it is, Concept and Definition)

close is a verb in Portuguese, relating to the act of close, terminate, finish or join.

The verb close can be classified into three forms: direct transitive verb, intransitive verb and prenominal verb.

In the form of a transitive verb, the word close is used in the sense of "to cover", "close", "vedar", "to unite" or "to end". As an intransitive verb, the term comes to mean "accumulate" or "come too close". Finally, as a nominal verb, to close can be something that is "completed" or the darkening action of the sky.

The expression "close your eyes" can be used in two ways, whether it's when someone is very sleepy and with their eyes almost shutting to sleep, or a euphemism for death.

Example: "The boy was closing his eyes in class" or "The lady closed her eyes forever".

Another very common expression is "gritting your teeth", which can be used to connote feelings of anger, anguish or anxiety.

close or saw

Both terms are correct in the Portuguese language, however, close and saw have completely different meanings.

While to close means "to close" or "to seal" something or something, the word saw is used in the sense of "to cut", normally with the use of a saw or saw.

Synonyms of close

  • to finish
  • astringe
  • torch
  • cover-up
  • closure
  • close
  • get together
  • hide
  • finish

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